Publicerat år 2024

Collins E., Liv P., Strandell A,. et al
Complications after benign gynecologic surgery-How are they captured in register-based research? A national register study in Sweden
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024

Jännebring J, Liv P, Knuts M, Idahl A.
Impact of patient-reported salpingitis on the outcome of hysterectomy and adnexal surgery: A national register-based
cohort study in Sweden.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024

Lundmark Drca A. Westergren Söderberg M. Ek M.
Obesity as an independent risk factor for poor long-term outcome after mid-urethral sling surgery
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2024

Strandell A., Magarakis L., Sundfeldt K., et al
Salpingectomy versus tubal occlusion in laparoscopic sterilisation (SALSTER): a national register-based randomised non-inferiority trial
The Lancet Regional Health – Europe

Publicerat år 2023

Alexandridis V, Lundmark Drca A, Ek M, et al
Retropubic slings are more efficient than transobturator at 10-year follow-up: a Swedish register-based study
Int Urogynecol J . 2023

Collins E, Liv P, Strandell A et al
Physicians’ assessment of complications after gynecological surgery in Sweden: The GYNCOM survey
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2023

Idahl A, Liv P, Darlius A. et al
HOPPSA update: changes in the study protocol of Hysterectomy and OPPortunistic SAlpingectomy, a registry-based randomized controlled trial
Trials 2023

Lundmark Drca A, Alexandridis V, Andrada Hamer M, et al
Dyspareunia and pelvic pain: comparison of mid-urethral sling methods 10 years after insertion.
Int Urogynecol J 2023

Magarakis L, Idahl A, Sundfeldt K, et al
SALpingectomy for STERilisation (SALSTER): study protocol for a Swedish multicentre register-based randomised controlled trial
BMJ Open 2023

Mörlin V, Golmann D, Borgfeldt C, et al
Antibiotic prophylaxis in posterior colporrhaphy does not reduce postoperative infection: a nationwide observational cohort study.
Int Urogynecol J 2023

Otterheim M, Hjertberg L, Pihl S, et al
Complications 8 weeks after an obstetric second-degree perineal laceration in relation to body mass index
Int Urogynecol J. 2023

Sundell M, Brynhildsen J, Fredrikson M, et al
Insufficient use of menopausal hormone therapy in Swedish women with early or premature menopause caused by bilateral oophorectomy: a register-based study
BJOG 2023

Abstracts från konferenser

Maria Otterheim et al Kvinnokliniken Vrinnevisjukhuset Norrköping
Pelvic floor dysfunction eight weeks after an obstetric second degree perineal laceration in relation to BMI
Poster presentation at NFOG Trondheim 2023

Mette L Josefsson  et al Uppsala University
Patient reported satisfaction after spontaneous second-degree tear compared to episiotomy – a Swedish register-based cohort study
Poster presentation at NFOG Trondheim 2023

Publicerat år 2022

Brunes M, Johannesson U, Drca A, et al
Recurrent surgery in uterine prolapse: A nationwide register study
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022

Brunes M, Ek M, Drca A, et al
Vaginal vault prolapse and recurrent surgery: A nationwide observational cohort study
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022

Brunes M, Johannesson U, Häbel H, et al
Peri- and postoperative outcomes in patients with endometriosis undergoing hysterectomy
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2022

Flöter Rådestad A, Dahm-Kähler P, Holmberg E, et al
Long-term incidence of endometrial cancer after endometrial resection and ablation: A population based Swedish gynecologic cancer group (SweGCG) study
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2022 

Gyhagen J, Åkervall S, Larsudd-Kåverud J, et al
The influence of age and health status for outcomes after mid-urethral sling surgery-a nationwide register study.
Int Urogynecol J. 2022

Hjertberg L, Pihl S, Blomberg M, et al
Body mass index and complications after obstetric anal sphincter injury, 8 weeks postpartum.
Int Urogynecol J. 2022

Larsudd-Kåverud J, Gyhagen J, Åkervall S, et al
The influence of pregnancy, parity, and mode of delivery on urinary incontinence and prolapse surgery-a national register study.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2022

Publicerat år 2021

Brunes M, Forsgren C,Warnqvist A,  et al
Assessment of Surgeon and Hospital Volume for Robot-assisted and Laparoscopic Benign Hysterectomy in Sweden
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2021

Dobilas A, Moberg L, Borgfeldt C.
Areas to Improve Quality of Life After Ovarian Tumor Surgery and Adjuvant Treatment
In Vivo. Jul-Aug 2021;35(4):2399-2408.

Publicerat år 2020

Nüssler, E K, Löfgren M, Lindkvist H, et al
The Tension-free Vaginal Tape Operation: Is the Inexperienced Surgeon a Risk Factor? Learning Curve and Swedish Quality Reference
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 2020

Borendal Wodlin N.
Risk Factors for Impaired Patient-reported Satisfaction and Increased Length of Hospital Stay Following Hysterectomy on Benign Indications in Premenopausal Women: a Study From the Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery
Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2020

Brunes M, Johannesson U, Habel H, et al
Effects of Obesity on Peri- and Postoperative Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Robotic versus Conventional Hysterectomy
Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology 2020

Brunes M, Habel H, Altman D, et al
Risk-factors for Continuous Long-term Use of Prescription Opioid Drugs 3 Years After Hysterectomy: A Nationwide Cohort Study

Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2020

Brunes M, Altman D, Palsson M, et al
Impact of Hysterectomy on Analgesic, Psychoactive and Neuroactive Drug Use in Women with Endometriosis: Nationwide Cohort Study
BJOG 2020

Lindberg I, Persson M, Nilsson M, et al
”Taken by Surprise” – Women’s Experiences of the First Eight Weeks After a Second Degree Perineal Tear at Childbirth
Midwifery 2020

Sandstrom A, Bixo M, Johansson M, et al
Effect of Hysterectomy on Pain in Women with Endometriosis: A Population-based Registry Study
BJOG 2020

Uustal E.
Pre-emptive Digitally Guided Pudendal Block After Posterior Vaginal Repair
Urogynecol J 2020

Zacharias S, Uustal E K.
Surgical Registries With Patient-reported Outcome Data – Important Tools in Monitoring Complications After Pelvic Floor Repair Surgery
BJOG 2020

Publicerat år 2019

Bewö K, Österberg J, Löfgren M, Sandblom G.
Incisional hernias following open gynecological surgery: a population-based study.
Arch Gynecol Obstet. 2019

Bohlin KS, Lofgren M, Lindqvist H, et al
Smoking cessation prior to gynecological surgery-A registry-based randomized trial
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2019

Collins E, Strandell A, Granåsen G, et al
Menopausal symptoms and surgical complications after opportunistic bilateral salpingectomy, a register-based cohort study
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2019

Collins E, Strandell A, Granåsen G, et al
Increased risk of menopausal symptoms one year after opportunistic salpingectomy
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019

Idahl A, Darelius A, Sundfeldt K, et al
Hysterectomy and opportunistic salpingectomy (HOPPSA): study protocol for a register-based randomized controlled trial
Trials 2019

Nüssler, E, Granåsen, G, Nüssler, E.K. et al.
Repair of recurrent rectocele with posterior colporrhaphy or non-absorbable polypropylene mesh—patient-reported outcomes at 1-year follow-up
Int Urogynecol J, 2019.

Pihl S, Blomberg M, Uustal E.
Internal anal sphincter injury in the immediate postpartum period; Prevalence, risk factors and diagnostic methods in the Swedish perineal laceration registry.
Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2019

Abstracts från konferenser

ICS 2019 Complications one year after Mid Urethral Slings in Sweden
ICS 2019 The womens descriptions classified one year after Mid Urethral Slings in Sweden

Video av presentationerna finns online på ICS Göteborgs websida:

Publicerat år 2018

Billfeldt N K, Borgfeldt C, Lindkvist H, et al
A Swedish population-based evaluation of benign hysterectomy, comparing minimally invasive and abdominal surgery
European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 2018.

Bohlin KS, Ankardal M, Nüssler E, et al
Factors influencing the outcome of surgery for pelvic organ prolapse.
Int Urogynecol J. 2018

Calundann Noer M, Leandersson P, Paulsen T, et al
Confounders other than comorbidity explain survival differences in Danish and Swedish ovarian cancer patients – a comparative cohort study.
Acta Oncologica, 2018.

Campbell J, Pedroletti C, Ekhed L, et al
Patient-reported outcomes after sacrospinous fixation of vault prolapse with a suturing device: a retrospective national cohort study.
Int Urogynecol J. 2018

Grundström, H, Alehagen, S, Berterö, C, et al
Impact on pelvic pain and endometriosis on patient-reported outcomes and experiences of benign hysterectomy: A study from the Swedish national register for gynecological surgery
Journal of Women’s Health, 2018.

Hesselman S, Bergman L, Högberg U, et al
Risk of fistula formation and long-term health effects after a benign hysterectomy complicated by organ injury: A population-based register study.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2018

Lindqvist, M, Lindberg, I, Nilsson M, et al
“Struggling to settle with a damaged body” – A Swedish qualitative study of women’s experiences one year after obstetric anal sphincter muscle injury (OASIS) at childbirth.
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 2018.

Lindqvist M, Persson M, Nilsson M, et al
’A worse nightmare than expected’ – a Swedish qualitative study of women’s experiences two months after
obstetric anal sphincter muscle injury.
Midwifery, 2018.

Noer MC, Leandersson P, Paulsen T, et al
Confounders other than comorbidity explain survival differences in Danish and Swedish ovarian cancer patients – a comparative cohort study.
Acta Oncol. 2018

Nüssler EK, Nüssler E, Eskildsen JK, et al
Decisions to use surgical mesh in operations for pelvic organ prolapse: a question of geography?
Int Urogynecol J. 2018

Widetun, S, Nilsson, M, Löfgren M, et al
Lack of Consensus and Dense Content in Informational Letters on Benign Gynecological Surgery.
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2018.

Publicerat år 2017

Bergman I, Söderberg MW, Kjaeldgaard A, et al
Cervical amputation versus vaginal hysterectomy: a population-based register study.
Int Urogynecol J. 2017

Borendal Wodlin N.
Intraoperative cervical treatment does not affect the prevalence of vaginal bleeding 1 year postoperatively after subtotal hysterectomy. A register study from the Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2017

Hesselman S, Högberg U, Råssjö EB, et al
Abdominal adhesions in gynaecologic surgery after caesarean section: a longitudinal population-based register study.
BJOG. 2017

Hesselman S, Högberg U, Jonsson M
Effect of remote cesarean delivery on complications during hysterectomy: a cohort study.
AJOG 2017.

Leandersson P, Granåsen G, Borgfeldt C
Ovarian Cancer Surgery – A Population-based Registry Study.
Anticancer Res. 2017

Madsen LD, Nüssler E, Kesmodel US, et al
Native-tissue repair of isolated primary rectocele compared with nonabsorbable mesh: patient-reported outcomes.
Int Urogynecol J. 2017

Nüssler E, Eskildsen JK, Nüssler EK, et al
Impact of surgeon experience on routine prolapse operations.
Int Urogynecol J. 2017

Pakbaz M, Rolfsman E, Löfgren M.
Are women adequately informed before gynaecological
BMC Womens Health 2017

Pålsson M, Stjerndahl JH, Granåsen G, et al
Patient-reported lower urinary tract symptoms after hysterectomy or hysteroscopy: a study from the Swedish Quality Register for Gynecological Surgery.
Int Urogynecol J. 2017

Publicerat år 2016

Bergman I, Soderberg MW, Kjaeldgaard A, et al
Does the choice of suture material matter in anterior and posterior colporrhaphy?
Int Urogynecol J. 2016.

Bohlin KS, Ankardal M, Stjerndahl JH, et al
Influence of the modifiable life-style factors body mass index and smoking on the outcome of hysterectomy.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2016

Bohlin KS, Ankardal M, Lindkvist H, et al
Factors influencing the incidence and remission of urinary incontinence after hysterectomy.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016

Borgfeldt C, Kalapotharakos G, Asciutto KC, et al
A population-based registry study evaluating surgery in newly diagnosed uterine cancer.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2016

Publicerat år 2015

Asciutto KC, Kalapotharakos G, Lofgren M, et al
Robot-assisted surgery in cervical cancer patients reduces the time to normal activities of daily living.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2015

Bohlin K S, Ankardal M, Pedroletti C, et al
The influence of the modifiable life-style factors body mass index and smoking on the outcome of mid-urethral sling procedures for female urinary incontinence
Int Urogynecol J. 2015

Haya N, Baessler K, Christmann-Schmid C, et al
Prolapse and continence surgery in countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in 2012.
Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2015

Nüssler E, Kesmodel US, Lofgren M, et al
Operation for primary cystocele with anterior colporrhaphy or non-absorbable mesh: patient-reported outcomes.
Int Urogynecol J. 2015

Pong J, Stenström Bohlin K, Pedroletti C, et al
Does anesthetic method influence vaginal bulge symptoms and patient satisfaction after vaginal wall repair surgery
Int Urogynecol J. 2015 Sept; 26(9):1361-1367

Zacharias S. Lofgren M.
Endometrial Polyps: Which Patients Should Be Selected for Hysteroscopic Surgery?—A Study Using Data from the Swedish National Quality Registry of Gynecological Surgery
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2015

Publicerat år 2013

Nüssler E K, Greisen S, Schiøler Kesmodel U, et al
Operation for recurrent cystocele with anterior colporrhaphy or non-absorbable mesh: patient reported outcomes.
International Urogynecology Journal 2013

Publicerat år 2012

Nilsson M, Lalos O, Lindkvist H, et al
Female urinary incontinence: patient-reported outcomes 1 year after midurethral sling operations.
International Urogynecology Journal 2012

Publicerat år 2011

Kjølhede P, Halili S, Lofgren M.
Vaginal cleansing and postoperative infectious morbidity in vaginal hysterectomy. A register study from the Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2011

Pakbaz M, Rolfsman E, Mogren I, et al
Vaginal prolapse – perceptions and health care seeking behaviour among women planned for gynecological surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2011

Publicerat år 2010

Pakbaz M, Persson M, Lofgren M, et al
’A hidden disorder until the pieces fall into place’ – a qualitative study of vaginal prolapse
BMC Women’s Health 2010

Pakbaz M, Mogren I, Lofgren M.
Outcomes of cystocele repair surgery in relation to different anesthesia methods.
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica. 2010

Publikationer före år 2010

Dueholm M, Rokkones E, Lofgren, M, et al
Nordic gynecologists’ opinion on quality assessment registers. A questionnaire study and presentation of Nordic guidelines for quality assessment of gynecological surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2004

Engh MA, Otterlind L, Stjerndahl JH, et al
Hysterectomy and incontinence: a study from the Swedish national register for gynecological surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2006

Kjolhede P, Halili S, Lofgren M.
The influence of preoperative vaginal cleansing on postoperative infectious morbidity in abdominal total hysterectomy for benign indications.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2009

Ladfors M, Lofgren, M, Gabriel B, et al
Patient accept questionnaires integrated in clinical routine; a study by the Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.2002;81:437-43

Löfgren M.
The Place of endometrial resection and ablation in the treatment of menorrhagia.
XXVIII Kongress 12-16 juni 1992 Reykavik. I-38

Löfgren M, Olsson J-H, Lindblom B, et al
The National Quality Register of Endoscopic Gynecological Surgery.
Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica scand 1996, vol 75, Supl 165 pp 55, pp 222.

Löfgren M.
Kopplingen mellan datoriserade journalsystem och de nationella kvalitetsregistren fungerar dåligt. Datafångst ”vid källan” förhindras.
Läkartidningen 1999:38;4035-39.

Löfgren M, Gabriel B, Ladfors M, et al
Fynd i Svenska kvalitetsregistret för gynekologisk kirurgi avseende hysterektomi på benign indikation vid de deltagande klinkerna. Läkarsällskapets riksstämma,
Hygea 1999 vol 108, pp 268.

Olsson J-H, Ellström M, Granberg S, et al
Preoperativ GnRH-behandling kan möjliggöra laparoskopisk teknik vid hysterektomi av stor livmoder.
Läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Hygea 1999, vol 108 pp 260.

Löfgren M, Sundström Poromaa I, Stjerndahl J-H, et al
Postoperative infections and antibiotic prophylaxis for hysterectomy in Sweden: a study by the Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2004

Oscarsson U, Nüssler E, Högberg U, et al
No difference in length of hospital stay between laparoscopic and abdominal supravaginal hysterectomy – a preliminary study.
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 2006

Pakbaz M, Mogren I, Lofgren M.
Outcomes of vaginal hysterectomy for uterovaginal prolapse: a population-based, retrospective, cross-sectional study of patient perceptions of results including sexual activity, urinary symptoms, and provided care.
BMC Womens Health. 2009

Abstracts, varia

  1. Löfgren M, Olsson J-H, Lindblom, B, Nordensköld F. The National Quality register of endoscopic Gynaecological Surgery. Acta Obst et Gynecol scand 1996 Vol 75 Supl 165 pp 55 p222.
  2. Löfgren M, Gabriel B, Ladfors M Olsson J-H. Fynd i det Svenska kvalitetsregistret för gynekologisk kirurgi avseende hysterektomi på benign indikation vid de deltagande klinikerna. Läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Hygea 1999 vol108 pp 268.
  3. Olsson J-H, Ellström, Granberg S, Halin M, Löfgren M. M Preoperativ GnRH-behandling kan möjliggöra laparoskopisk teknik vid hysterektomi av stor livmoder. Läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Hygea 1999 vol108 pp 260.
  4. Gabriel B, Ladfors M, Löfgren M. Patientåsikter om frågeformulären i Svenska kvalitetsregistret för gynekologisk kirurgi. Läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Hygea 1999 vol108 pp 261.
  5. Löfgren M, Ladfors M and Olsson J-H. Kan frågeformulär ersätta postoperativt läkarbesök efter hysterektomi? Läkarsällskapets riksstämma, Hygea 2001 vol 110 ISSN 0349-1722pp 274. P31
  6. Löfgren M. Quality assessment of gynecological operations commonly perfored.NFOG 2002 XXXIII Congress ISBN 91-7305-201-9 P147
  7. Ladfors M, Lofgren M, Gabriel B, Olsson J-H. Patient accept questionnaires integrated in clinical routine. A study by the Swedish national register for gynecological surgery. NFOG 2002 XXXIII Congress ISBN 91-7305-201-9 P149
  8. Dueholm M. Rokkones E, Härkki P, Arason G, Lofgren M. NFOG quality guidelines for gynecological surgery. A questionnaire study of all Nordic departments. NFOG 2002 XXXIII Congress ISBN 91-7305-201-9 P151
  9. Olsson J-H Löfgren M. Quality Registers for Gynaecological Surgery: 2 years experience. European Sociaty of gynecological endoscopy Stockholm 4-6/11 1999
  10. Löfgren M, Ladfors M and Olsson J-H. The Swedish National Register for Gynecological Surgery: Results concerning hysterectomy. Nordisk Forening for Obstetrikk og Gynekologi XXXII kongressen Oslo 3-6/6 2000. Framnes produksion as 2000 pp 110
  11. Lofgren M, Ladfors M, Olsson J-H. Can questionnaires replace routine follow-up consultation after hysterectomy? 10th Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) Lisbon, Portugal 21-24/11 2001 Book of abstracts pp 112 P-51
  12. Ladfors M, Lofgren M, Gabriel B, Olsson J-H. Patient questionnaires well accepted in routine medical care. 10th Congress of the European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE) Lisbon, Portugal 21-24/11 2001 Book of abstracts pp 38 FCV02-04